Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer Vacation

Well, this second pregnancy is in full swing, and I've definitely let some things slide...namely my blogging! It took me about 2 hours today to play catch up with all my pictures. We really have been doing all kinds of fun things, I'm just way too exhausted at the end of the day to document any of it!

We'r'e heading out for a month-long vacation on Wednesday. We'll be in Little Rock for about 2 weeks, then head to Austin for a long weekend and Lukarita, and finally we'll meet back up with Ali and Mia at their house in Estes Park, CO for a week. All that to say, I'll be falling off the blogging radar, but I'll be back in full force at the end of July with all kinds of pictures from our travels. For all of you we're about to get to see, we really can't wait!!!


I know this is the most random post, but I just had to do it. Ali and I took the girls to the church today to meet the preschool director. It's actually time to put them on the waitlist for Fall 2011! I just can't believe that I filled out a waitlist form today for my sweet baby girl. I had to take a picture almost as proof that it really happened!

I loved the director of the program, and I really think Conlee will love going to 'school'. When Ali and I introduced the girls to the woman, we told her we were church members and that our girls were in the nursery on Sunday. She said, "oh, are these the BFFs I hear so much about?!" Ali and I just started seems their little reputations are already proceeding them. Big shocker!

She English!

Conlee has been talking in full sentences for awhile now...just not in English! She looks at you, rattles off paragraphs at a time, and looks so indignant when you have NO idea what she just said! Of course she's been saying mama and dada for a few months now, but today she spoke her very 1st word: Ali! It's fitting that "Ali" would be the first word out of her mouth since Aunt Ali is her absolute favorite person around. She cannot get enough of Ali! She has literally been known to pull Mia out of Ali's lap so she can crawl up in there...she's cried if I've tried to take her out of Ali's arms and put her back in mine...and when we go to the park, she takes time outs from playing just to run over and give Ali hugs. If I didn't know she loved me, I'd seriously develop a complex!

Today I was downloading pictures on the computer and she saw a picture of Ali. She got a HUGE smile on her face, pointed at the computer screen and said, "Ali!" in her sweet little voice. I tried my best to capture it here after her nap...the video is about a minute long, and her 'performance' is towards the end...just priceless!

Mia's Birthday Party

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Mia...
Happy Birthday to YOU!!!

We had such a great time celebrating sweet Mia's birthday on Saturday. Once again, she proved to be a cupcake-loving girl!

This was priceless! Ali and Matt went in for a kiss, and Mia would have NONE of it. Nothing gets between this girl and her cupcakes!

Jess outdid herself again with these precious bird cupcakes. They were not only adorable, but DELICIOUS!

Mia's Birthday Lunch

Conlee and I had the pleasure of lunching with Mia & Ali on Mia's birthday last Monday. I think it's safe to say we had two cupcake lovers at the table! Mia proved to be just as into cupcakes as her BFF...naturally!

Farewell Fraziers!

Saturday was such a sad day in San Diego. The dreaded moving day arrived, and we had to say good-bye to the Fraziers. The only positive is that we lost them to Austin, and we plan on being in Austin a lot, so we'll still get to see them. We threw them a going away party the Thursday before they left, and it was definitely bittersweet. Saturday morning we headed over to their very empty house with the Murphys for a donut breakfast before they hit the road. We're happy for them, but sad for us...San Diego will not be the same!!!


One of the best things we've done all summer was buy an annual pass to Seaworld. Conlee just loves it, and it's the best way to kill a few hours in the morning now that we've dropped our morning nap. This trip to Seaworld was a little sad, was our first and only time to go with Courtney & Audrey before their big move back to Texas. Audrey, Conlee & Piper had a great time together, and the rest of the summer just won't be the same without the Fraziers!

There's a whole park within the park called Sesame Street Bay of Play. Conlee LOVED it! She's becoming more and more obsessed with Sesame Street these days. Her favorite is Elmo...real original, I know!

Audrey & Piper sharing a ride. Audrey looks much more into it than Piper...she definitely got the raw end of this deal!

Conlee is obsessed with fish and aquariums. She loved the beluga whales...and so did I!

The girls checking out the polar bear chilling on the rock...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Wanna go for a ride in my wagon?!

Today was so fun! Conlee has been dying to get her BFF over to see her favorite new birthday toy...her Radio Flyer wagon! I knew Conlee would love having a buddy to ride with her, and I was right. Everything's better with your best friend!

We're still in the backyard here, and Conlee can hardly contain her excitement!

A quick little trip down to the water

Conlee: "See, I told you this was awesome!"

Mia has to get a surf report to take back home to her daddy...

It's looking pretty flat out there...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Uh Oh...someone has a little Bieber Fever....

Not sure if anyone else will think this is funny, but I think it's hilarious! I had the Today Show on yesterday, and Justin Bieber was the musical concert guest. I was texting back and forth with my friend Melissa saying how I just don't understand his appeal, and I am pretty sure I will refuse to take Conlee to see anyone in concert who is so cheesy. Beyonce, Justin, Jay-Z, Britney...for these people we will sit front row...but Justin Bieber?!?! Then, I looked up and Conlee was breaking it down to one of his songs. I guess my parents did take me to see NKOTB (painful self-disclosure!) Oh my...and so it begins!

Conlee's 1st Princess Party

I can't believe Conlee is ONE!!! Last Saturday we had a party for our princess. It was in our backyard, and all Conlee's favorite friends, and of course family, were here. It was such a fun day of celebrating the little lady she's becoming!

Sweet Conlee, we love you so much. This last year has been the best ever! You bring so much joy to us and everyone around you. It is absolutely amazing to watch you grow and develop. You are so smart, and your little brain is like a sponge. It's crazy all the things you understand. Your daddy and I absolutely can't wait to watch you as you become a big sister when we welcome Reece into our family this fall. I can't believe we get to have 2 little girls in our house! Your daddy will not know what hit him!

We had Chick-Fil-A cater the food. YUMMY! Makes me wish we could have a birthday party everyday!

Thank you to Jess Clark, who is a cupcake wizard! These princess cupcakes were ADORABLE!!!

It's amazing how many people we can squeeze into our tiny backyard!

Aunt Ali did the flowers...she's amazing!

Conlee's little throne!

The birthday girl taking a little rest...all this action was exhausting!

Audrey Frazier and Piper Clark came to help Conlee celebrate!

Eric & Anniston Brown trying to visit with Conlee, but all she wanted was her daddy's food!

Ali & Mia!

Again, a HUGE thanks to Jess...she decorated Conlee's cake, and it was cuter than I could have imagined!

If you've seen any of my previous posts, you know Conlee has a slight sweet tooth...this girl was in heaven!

I can't believe she's offering to share...I guess she does have enough to go around!

Happy 1st Birthday, Sweet Conlee! We love you!!!

A Weekend Celebration!

All of Conlee's grandparents, plus her uncle Stephen and cousins, Olivia & Marshall, flew in for her big birthday celebration. It was 4 days of non-stop family fun! Conlee was in heaven! She loved all the attention, and I think she was definitely sad on Tuesday when it was just back to our little family of three!

Gigi, Brent, Conlee, Nanny & Olivia at Trattoria Acqua

The best seat in the house for the birthday girl!

Pops, Marshall, Uncle Stephen & Olivia relaxing after the big party

Stephen and his kiddos walked down to the beach. It was a picture perfect day!

Lunch at the park with EI, Granddad, Gigi & Paps

Granddad & EI came over for breakfast on Monday morning before their flight home. Conlee was clearly very pleased to see them!

Lunch with Gigi & Paps before they left for Austin

Whew...all the family is gone, and it's off to Baskin Robbins for a Memorial Day afternoon snack!