As I've mentioned before, Conlee's favorite word is "no!" She says it after every thing you ask her, even if she means yes. Fortunately, she doesn't say it in a bad, tantrum-like, terrible toddler way, but more in a sing-song voice, this is truly my favorite word, kind of way. She says 'no' to everything! Here are some pictures I took yesterday that I thought were funny. She had just woken up from her nap, which explains her crazy hair. Of course, we don't get out much anymore, so maybe they're only funny to me!
me: "Conlee, did you eat your crayons?"
Conlee: "No!"
Then I snapped this photo showing the crayons all over her mouth...
A little later after she finished her dinner...
me: "Conlee, did you like the pasta?"
Conlee: "No!"
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