Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Water Baby!

Conlee has loved her bath since the very beginning, and I think it's still her favorite time of day. Partly because she loves the water, but mostly because her daddy bathes her every night, and they have so much fun together! All her bath animals have names and noises...they even have an acrobatic routine to get from the toy tray down the neck of the pink duck and into the tub with Conlee! I started to give her a bath the other night, and Brent ran in the room to make sure I was doing it right! ha! 

Anyway, last night I walked in and caught this adorable rear view, and naturally I just had to get a pic. She'll be 8 months old on Saturday and the time has FLOWN! Definitely the best 8 months of our lives! 

It's hard to even believe this is a picture of the same girl! Here is she is a few weeks old and in the tub...

After that last picture, I just got nostalgic...I can't believe how big she is and how fast she's growing up! Here's a pic from last week...

and a pic from her earlier days...look at long, dark hair! 


The Frazier Family said...

OMG!! The pic of her in the tub a few weeks old, it is so hard to believe that the same sweet girl?!?! I love old pictures(I know they're not THAT old) but in their little lives they are!

The Frazier Family said...

One more thing...don't you want to go back just for a second and hold them when they were that little???I do!